Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. PAYDAY 2 > Crews & Clans > Topic Details. if they do, shoot them. UnkindPort84663 Apr 18, 2021 @ 9:28am. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. =TBM= [PHE$] cooper Mar 6, 2018 @ 1:04am. I am doing thrid circle on them. Mods:BeardLibWolfHUDThe FixesMore Weapon StatsLow Violence ModeCrime Spree FixesCheater KickerNo PrintsNo Duplicated BulletsDisable. A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. This has to be a bug for damned sure, all crates are open, all trains open, none of them have c4. Access the other building. Get everyone and the ingredients up top as fast as you can, that way you can shoot cops climbing up and they can't shoot back. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. Lion Game Lion is a privately held game development company that was founded in July 2014. Wizzleteats Mar 19, 2015 @ 4:14am. To deploy C4 on an objective (door, gate, safe, truck, etc) look at the C4 logo and press and hold “F”. Often my friends and I have noticed night time on certain heists when we go in on DeathWish. What should i get for preplanning and what (free) build would you recomend. It's bombs away as you help the Butcher succeed with the heists Dockyard and Forest as a part of the Bomb job. Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time we got torn to shreds by either those COD Quickscopers(Snipers) or the Scary. tv Streaming - Discord - Patreon - 🔹 Archi. Ok maaaaaaybe this is a tad-bit too early,but any tips on how you beat Forest in DW? A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. That’s a pretty accurate list from my experience even though I play solo. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. Release date. Menacebi • 8 yr. I know whoever designed the c4 placement is a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (it wasn't the original devs), but I have already opened the 4 trains on normal and the c4 doesn't appear on any. Going for objectives got us all killed cuz of the lack of cover. Plus, the first map runs pretty poorly. started solo then 3 other people joined, when securing loot (heli escape) ALL OF THE OTHERS DISCONNECT (not leave, they disconnected). . Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time. Tried it for 50 mins straight on dsod with some friends, failing over and over again before eventually starting Biker and completing it DSOD on our first try. Ok maaaaaaybe this is a tad-bit too early,but any tips on how you beat Forest in DW? A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. Ilija Petrusic - CEO and Creative Director Matevz Stular - Lead Level Designer. This has to be a bug for damned sure, all crates are open, all trains open, none of them have c4. Issues with holding off in the center of the forest is that snipers on the right side of the map are covered behind trees that only they can see through and the snipers on the dam are a good distance away and are. by Uujaba The Bomb Heists: Tips and tricks Let's have a thread where we share some of the things we've learned about the new maps. Ok maaaaaaybe this is a tad-bit too early,but any tips on how you beat Forest in DW? A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. . Step 1: Ace Stockholm Syndrome. Beaver Team Achievement. 4. These masks, materials, and patterns are achievement rewards. What should i get for preplanning and what (free) build would you. Bomb Forest. Tough Act to Follow is an achievement in Payday 2: Crimewave Edition. New Series! "M0rti's way to the Death Wish Mask". The idea was original, there is a lot of variation. It's also worth noting that the C4 will ONLY spawn in the tall crates. in this hiest towds the end it asks you to "Find The Exploseves" but it just leads me to a bunch of crowbars but i allready got one from preplaning and it wont do anything when i try to pick one up can someone help please© Valve Corporation. PremiumA pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. It is available for free to all players that own the PAYDAY: The Heist Wolf Pack. Beaver team question: "In the Bomb: Forest heist, cut down all trees within 5 seconds. The mod for sliding in payday 2 also works, and you know what, hot take time. A guard on the "right"-hand side that goes from one set of entrance gates, past cargo containers, and near some buildings. And the last break will always happen before the 90% complete. The idea was original, there is a lot of variation. Shout out to Greeperman for random. Coins. I can't believe i did it. Announcement site description. . tv Streaming - Discord - Patreon - 🔹 Archi. argenex Feb 9, 2015 @ 7:51pm. Is it just me or the gravity in the forest heist is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥? When we blew a train with c4 i flew away for like 50 meters and died. Everything you need to know, from pre-planning, to Death wish (DW) tips to achievements. Eliminate the sniper. It will automatically explode after a couple of seconds. Going for objectives got us all killed cuz of the lack of cover. Otherwise sentries have high range for maps like Bomb:Forest. . Payday 2 boasts 78 thrilling heists, and as of June 2023, it has enriched the experience with 12 exciting DLC heists, featuring scenarios like Border Crossing and San Martín Bank, offering players a dynamic and ever-expanding criminal playground. . This heist is almost as poorly designed as Goat Sim day 1. Business, Economics, and Finance. This heist is almost as poorly designed as Goat Sim day 1. (I could sworn I posted this already?) Is this mission broken or something, besides the gravity, I couldn't find out how to open the safe train, I couldn't find the c4 either. Get the C4 during fades and assault breaks, or when there aren't a ton of cops around. Bomb:Forest: You can camp in the top left corner; that's pretty reliable. There is an invisible wall across the road left of the starting point, quite a good distance from the turn where the cops spawn. Only kill snipers that have line of sight to objectives, ignore the rest and find a good place where you can take a break from the action. All the other trains just contained overturned debris. Total. Going for objectives got us all killed cuz of the lack of cover. I know whoever designed the c4 placement is a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (it wasn't the original devs), but I have already opened the 4 trains on normal and the c4 doesn't appear on any. The Bomb: Forest this is the most terrible heist. This has to be a bug for damned sure, all crates are open, all trains open, none of them have c4. I know whoever designed the c4 placement is a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (it wasn't the original devs), but I have already opened the 4 trains on normal and the c4 doesn't appear on any. . If they carry bomb parts through it, the heist cannot be completed. E. Black KnightWhat assets should I buy? I normally go with chopper escape and then use demo expert to make the vault land near the center so the escape is easier. Join and help please! 30 minutes in game already and i feel sick because of the camera anglePAYDAY 2 The Bomb Heists Forest The Butcher DLC "First Run" Derailed - new playable charactor DaganPAYDAY 2 (playlist) can't die or escape, and EVERY one has to be in our custody until we escape on the boat. I'm read all comments, so write your suggestions and if you liked the video please r. > There is a total of 50 missions you need to complete. Clear out the remaining gangsters. This has to be a bug for damned sure, all crates are open, all trains open, none of them have c4. #7. It helps to have a partner or two to help you but on the lower. 9K votes, 37 comments. 1. The Continental Contract. Ok maaaaaaybe this is a tad-bit too early,but any tips on how you beat Forest in DW? A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. We also updated the soundtracks for the CCE and soundtrack owners out there. The studio is located in Zagreb, Croatia. I just did not include goat sim because everyone knows that heist is a pain in the ass. Fresherslive. Open the vault with the C4 as soon as you can, open the bomb case and stay in there until Bile gets to the scene. • 3 days ago. C4 in most cases will injure, if not incapacitate, heisters caught in the explosion. #2. Ι Τ C H Υ Β Θ Π Ξ Ζ Dec 11, 2020 @ 6:31pm. It is notable for being the first PAYDAY 2 content not to be created by Overkill Software, but rather the Croatian Lion Game Lion. All of us. Everything you need to know, from pre-planning, to Death wish (DW) tips to achievements. The Bomb Dockyard : Doors The Bomb Forest : (Plane escape picked) Trees and gates Brooklyn 10-10 : Doors and ammo roomAny good places to camp and what assets should I buy?Join and help please! 30 minutes in game already and i feel sick because of the camera angleJoin and help please! 30 minutes in game already and i feel sick because of the camera angleFirst try on dw this week we were doing good cause i was playing with my friends but we failed cause one of em accidently dropped one of the bombs below the helicopter, this try with pubbies (but all imfamyed atleast once) we all got downed. Not recommended speccing into sentries for newer DSOD players. Get a ladder. Alle Marken sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Besitzer in den USA und anderen Ländern. . The Forest. Reputation. Going for objectives got us all killed cuz of the lack of cover. Tried it for 50 mins straight on dsod with some friends, failing over and over again before eventually starting Biker and completing it DSOD on our first try. there's no objectively hardest heist just a bunch of really hard ones. All of us were playing wtih dodge and. there's no objectively hardest heist just a bunch of really hard ones. 91 MB The Bomb Heists DLC Changed the color of the ladder bag on. Buy PAYDAY 3;. #2. This heist is almost as poorly designed as Goat Sim day 1. Lion Game Lion, Overkill - A Starbreeze Studio. i desided to try the bomb heist today and got to a point where there is supposed to be a bomb to dismantle and carry to escape, but once inside the car there was nothing. Ale czillera totalna xDA dziś:Heist: The Bomb: Forest (Butcher)Tactics: LoudEkipa: Robuch, Bladii, Wieszak, Tominator-----Wb. Going for objectives got us all killed cuz of the lack of cover. The first time i tried it, there was nothing interactable inside the vault, and the second time, after scouring the map, no c4 had spawned. The Bomb: Forest - No Bomb. Days. I know whoever designed the c4 placement is a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (it wasn't the original devs), but I have already opened the 4 trains on normal and the c4 doesn't appear on any. PAYDAY 2. ago. I wrote a bunch of the music for Payday2 and the John Wick movies. Henry's Rock and Shacklethorne, both of them being rushed pieces of shit that forgot there are difficulties above Overkill. r/paydaytheheist. Payday 2 DLC Heists. For the escape, stay inside the traincar until the helicopter arrives, then spam flashbangs to move the bags to the chopper safely. I know whoever designed the c4 placement is a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (it wasn't the original devs), but I have already opened the 4 trains on normal and the c4 doesn't appear on any. Tried it for 50 mins straight on dsod with some friends, failing over and over again before eventually starting Biker and completing it DSOD on our first try. Last edited by Ι Τ C H Υ Β Θ Π Ξ Ζ ; Dec 11, 2020 @ 6:34pm. Get everyone and the ingredients up top as fast as you can, that way you can shoot cops climbing up and they can't shoot back. Honestly bomb forest is a breeze if you know how to game it (if you just want to beat it for the dsod achievement). Ok maaaaaaybe this is a tad-bit too early,but any tips on how you beat Forest in DW? A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. Originally posted by - Idealism -: Once you got yourself a crowbar, you got to drill open the other train cars. What should i get for preplanning and what (free) build would you recomend. PAYDAY 2 > General Discussions > Detaily tématu. The c4 is in one of the two. Ok maaaaaaybe this is a tad-bit too early,but any tips on how you beat Forest in DW? A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. Payday 2 The Bomb Forest Death Wish public & A Pine in the Ass Achievement. Steam Group - Twitch. 197. For me still one of the hardest death wish heists in Payday 2! The Bomb: ForestThis was one of the heists Sicarius needed for his death wish mask. Rendezvous with. Join and help please! 30 minutes in game already and i feel sick because of the camera angleJoin and help please! 30 minutes in game already and i feel sick because of the camera angleJoin and help please! 30 minutes in game already and i feel sick because of the camera angleThe Bomb!We are doing the forest one now and this is our first time doing the heist. The ones that are chest high and use the same model as the ones on Election Day are the only type that carry the C4. Hoakin Blackforge Mar 6, 2018 @ 5:31am. Unlocks the "Butcher From Hell" mask, "Meat" mat. It's bombs away as you help the Butcher succeed with the heists Dockyard and Forest as a part of the Bomb job. I've attempted this heist twice, and both times found no c4 in any of the train cars. Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time. Buy the asset if you can't find them. -The bomb:The forest. Goat Sim: Yeah, good luck. . All of us. Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time. All of us. We left him. Although the basic skill adds only three C4, an Aced skill can add six C4 explosives to your inventory. Ok maaaaaaybe this is a tad-bit too early,but any tips on how you beat Forest in DW? A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. 56 Steam. Tweets by PAYDAYGame. Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time. Then of course the time it took me. Demolition Man. A guide for the Forest heist. I know whoever designed the c4 placement is a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (it wasn't the original devs), but I have already opened the 4 trains on normal and the c4 doesn't appear on any. Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time. What assets should I buy? I normally go with chopper escape and then use demo expert to make the vault land near the center so the escape is easier. Ok maaaaaaybe this is a tad-bit too early,but any tips on how you beat Forest in DW? A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. Ok maaaaaaybe this is a tad-bit too early,but any tips on how you beat Forest in DW? A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. Payday 2 is a first-person. 3. What assets should I buy? I normally go with chopper escape and then use demo expert to make the vault land near the center so the escape is easier. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. Going for objectives got us all killed cuz of the lack of cover. Yeah, right. As the map is a hill there are many instances you can exploit the drop angle to 'climb' train carts through jumping,. Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time we got torn to shreds by either those COD. . This has to be a bug for damned sure, all crates are open, all trains open, none of them have c4. The wagon housing the bomb is well equipped to handle violent shocks, so don’t. Going for objectives got us all killed cuz of the lack of cover. Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time. Tried it for 50 mins straight on dsod with some friends, failing over and over again before eventually starting Biker and completing it DSOD on our first try. Further ahead, you can also apply more skills with the C4. We had 4 Masterfugs running at 70mph checking every part of the map but we only ever found five civilians, at end of map no achievement pop despite all five being tied down. ith the Bomb Heists being released, were excited to share what Lion Game Lion have been working on as their first DLC for PAYDAY 2. C4 can be applied to numerous objects in PAYDAY 2 with the usage of trip mines. This heist is almost as poorly designed as Goat Sim day 1. Bad holdout positions, lack of cover, and the huge map size pretty much means you'll be getting destroyed on higher difficulties by enemies out of your range if you dont have a sniper rifle. 34,000. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. . The bomb has been stole by Captain Alpha in the forest All of the Butcher's heist has been finished Now there only a few more heist to solo This heist is a little bit tricky because there was no cove. A guide for the Forest heist. The Bomb: Forest - Usefulness of the ladder. Going for objectives got us all killed cuz of the lack of cover. For Payday 2: The Bomb Heists on the PC, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How do you get c4 explosive in payday 2 ?". All of us. The The Bomb Heists Add-on for PAYDAY 2 has 24 achievements. "I have learned that any problem can be solved with the careful application of explosives. Malidictus Mar 1, 2017 @ 2:08pm. The Bomb:Forest has the Payday Crew going after a antique bomb stored on a cargo train that they blew off the tracks in a forest. Environmental hazards are present on many maps in both PAYDAY: The Heist and PAYDAY 2 to hinder the players. 1. . There's a point beyond the boiling point. In Election. Brooklyn 10-10 is a loud-only one-day heist for PAYDAY 2 released with the John Wick Heists Pack in Update #131. The wagon housing the bomb is well equipped to handle violent shocks, so don’t worry about the bomb detonating prematurely. Issues with holding off in the center of the forest is that snipers on the right side of the map are covered behind trees that only they can see through and the snipers on the dam are a good distance away and are. I recently played bomb forest and managed to find c4 with no problem. It is the first, and so far only, developer other than Overkill Software to create official PAYDAY 2 content. Make Bile fly in some C4 after 4 minutes starting from when the wagon gets full of water. . A guide for the Forest heist. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. ) When I was trying to do Beaver Team w/ a friend, we tried for 5 minutes and failed constantly, opened lobby to. A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. What should i get for preplanning and what (free) build would you recomend. The DLC also introduces a new contract broker called The Butcher, a new pistol called the Leo and give you access to 4 new masks and patterns if you complete the related achievements. 000 which is the actuall base xp gained up. ith the Bomb Heists being released, were excited to share what Lion Game Lion have been. Rendezvous with Charon. Steam reviews score. We managed to complete it tho!Playing with. The ones that are chest high and use the. A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments. fandom. 7% and 30% complete. All of us. Bomb: Forest Big Bada Boom: Kill at least four enemies with one GL40 grenade launcher shot Sawed-off Stock for the GL40 grenade launcher and the “Crow Goblin” mask. 1. 53. This has to be a bug for damned sure, all crates are open, all trains open, none of them have c4. Make sure to keep an eye out for snipers though. Only kill snipers that have line of sight to. This has to be a bug for damned sure, all crates are open, all trains open, none of them have c4. Here we throw caution to the wind and derail the train as it is transporting the bomb. What should i get for preplanning and what (free) build would you recomend. 000 base xp. Make sure to keep an eye out for snipers though. This would make the heist less cancer and turn the C4 in the wagon just a way to speed stuff up. PAYDAY 2. 4. Going for objectives got us all killed cuz of the lack of cover. Tried it for 50 mins straight on dsod with some friends, failing over and over again before eventually starting Biker and completing it DSOD on our first try. They can't drop during a PAYDAY and cannot be sold. I read many guides, discussions, opinions about builds, like armorer, rouge and anarchist. Yes, that. Issues with holding off in the center of the forest is that snipers on the right side of the map are covered behind trees that only they can see through and the snipers on the dam are a good distance away and are. Hold and press the F key to place the C4. Instead, they can be returned to your mask stash. A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. The Forest heist is one of the 2 new heists* available in the Bomb DLC (You have to pay to get the DLC). Strider. Going for objectives got us all killed cuz of the lack of cover. What should i get for preplanning and what (free) build would you recomend. 5 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Unknown Knight Gaming: Bomb Forest is easy with this strat! I even surprised myself! Time-skips: 0:00 - Intro 0:09 - Start. r/paydaytheheist. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. Counterfeit is a heist from PAYDAY: The Heist introduced to PAYDAY 2, released with the PAYDAY 2 Wolf Pack. Please fix this asap! Deathwish is hard enough. i decided to try again and the same thing happened. PAYDAY 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Clear out the remaining gangsters. Build: htt. All of us were playing wtih dodge and. This heist is almost as poorly designed as Goat Sim day 1. Using C4 and Trip Mines. 99, and was made by Overkill's new dev pals Lion Game Lion. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. com Bomb Forest is easy with this strat! I even surprised myself! Time-skips: 0:00 - Intro 0:09 - Start 0:34 - Preplanning 0:53 - Train Wagons setup 1:29 - Skills, Perk decks, AI 1:52 - Find C4. . Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time. The Bomb Heists DLC is the 15th DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and adds the first two heists from the new contact known as the Butcher. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. In a box at the middle. Developers. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. Leaderboards. Excellent preplanning, either a long escape but short begin, or a long begin but easy escape. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. It's a lot easier if you have the vault on a wagon the right way up. Payday 2: Bomb Heist: Forest - Opressor (achievement)Getting the doctor mask! Testing it out and customizing it n_nOpressor achievement payday 2:Dont let any. Oct 9, 2020 @ 9:29am "Bomb Forest is easy with this strat! I even surprised myself! Time-skips: 0:00 - Intro 0:09 - Start 0:34 - Preplanning 0:53 - Train Wagons setup 1:29 - Skills,. Each container has a chance to be empty, have a weapons case in it, or a meth lab. Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time. Any good places to camp and what assets should I buy?What assets should I buy? I normally go with chopper escape and then use demo expert to make the vault land near the center so the escape is easier. What assets should I buy? I normally go with chopper escape and then use demo expert to make the vault land near the center so the escape is easier. I wrote a bunch of the music for Payday2 and the John Wick movies. Be aware that some crates will have nothing, some extra loot, and only one the C4 needed. The thing is the map is way too open so y. . Payday 2 is a first-person. 116K views 8 years ago. What should i get for preplanning and what (free) build would you recomend. There are two Election-day machine type boxes on this map. It involves the crew infiltrating a secret lab disguised as a lumber mill in Russia, marking the first heist outside of the United States. As you can see the vault is open and in the upper left corner of the screenshot you can see 8. The problem is on your side. A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. ago. Staying down on the table/floor is literally a death sentence. PAYDAY 2 > Crews & Clans > Topic Details. tv Streaming - Discord - Patreon - 🔹 Archi. There's a point beyond the boiling point. Ashe Jan 26, 2015 @ 2:32pm. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. The Bomb: Forest: There's no cover, the bombs are heavy and you can accidentally down yourself by jumping at the wrong angle. Tried it for 50 mins straight on dsod with some friends, failing over and over again before eventually starting Biker and completing it DSOD on our first try. All of us. Everything you need to know, from pre-planning, to Death wish (DW) tips to achievements. more. I know whoever designed the c4 placement is a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (it wasn't the original devs), but I have already opened the 4 trains on normal and the c4 doesn't appear on any. Forest, however, is a huge hill that you have to forcefully get the bomb out. Payday 2 (PC) walkthrough - The Bomb Forest. Get the briefcase. Tried strategies, cover to cover, jokers, inspire aced - and i fail. Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time. What assets should I buy? I normally go with chopper escape and then use demo expert to make the vault land near the center so the escape is easier. -Watchdogs Day 1 and 2. Then of course the time it took me. not even interesting. It and the Dockyard are the first missions developed by Lion Game Lion. Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time. Fun as hell map though,even if we had our asses handed to us. If you fill up the vault in the bom forest heist with the helicopter you get a xp reward of 12. Experience Min. The Bomb Heists DLC is the 15th DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and adds the first two heists from the new contact known as the Butcher. If you like. Help me please, im tired. 6 Strategy 7 Variations 8 Mayhem+ Changes 9 The FBI Files 10 Achievements 11 Trivia 12 Blueprints 13 References 14 Video Overview The Dockyards is the first of the two. The Bomb Heists Achievements. Death WishThe Bomb: Forest Steam Group - Twitch. -Back-left lever moves the inside and middle rings. Can`t find C4 bomb, forest. The goal of the heist is to. Join. This has to be a bug for damned sure, all crates are open, all trains open, none of them have c4. The reddit community for the games PAYDAY: The Heist and PAYDAY 2, as well…WTF is up with some guard placements on this map. A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. gonbb Oct 9, 2017 @ 6:07pm. I've attempted this heist twice, and both times found no c4 in any of the train cars. Yes, that. I hope you could look into this. #2. 3. CryptoTried it for 50 mins straight on dsod with some friends, failing over and over again before eventually starting Biker and completing it DSOD on our first try. Edit: correction,being able to connect 2 parts of the hose was LUCKY,most of the time we got torn to shreds by either those COD Quickscopers(Snipers) or the Scary. News Guides Resources Streams Forum Statistics Boosters. So not really, only limited levels but not fully implimented like it should have been. Same for me, never had a problem finding the c4. Any good places to camp and what assets should I buy?PAYDAY 2. This has to be a bug for damned sure, all crates are open, all trains open, none of them have c4. Ok maaaaaaybe this is a tad-bit too early,but any tips on how you beat Forest in DW? A pub i hoppd into & we finished both Bomb Heists in OVK,tried it in DW & we were dead before we could connect the hose. Complete The Bomb: Forest job on the Normal difficulty or above.